Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

rainy season


rainy season at arau or just my campus..idk actually..so guess wat??today..idk wat time..its started to rain..me n my fren have to  go to our next class which at another block across the big parking lot..me gosh..we're forced into the rain..its was okay at start till its started rainin heavily dat me n my fren had to run..then we come to learn dat our class is cancel..damn!

so me n my fren slowly walk thru covered roads,block to block,uncovered roads till we reach anjung siswa..one more step to roofed place suddenly my fren yelled 'shite'..i stop n turn around..ouh w have to go thru the rain again..sabor je laa

imagine 2 kids palyin in the rain..

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