Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 29, 2011

its friday .. friiiiday ..


rabecca song black friday is playin on my mind .. dem its so catchy .. haha .. its friday !!!! y so happy ? tomorrow i have to go to this talk .. ish .. wat to do .. erm erm erm friday , fellow uitm fren (bsatu kita warga uitm) eherm , so uguys know wat happen on friday aite .. for uguys who is not uitm mate .. dun worry .. me story2 to u la ..

on friday .. every friday .. uitm students girls only la k .. must wear baju kurung .. must ok .. for guy its up to them if they wanna wear baju melayu or not .. but starting this sem .. a lot of part 1 male student wear baju melayu every friday .. oww .. me likey .. so all the male students from part 2 to part 6 started to wear em to .. kinda like trend ody .. friday's trend ..

so today .. i saw a guy wearing baju melayu kaler purple la bha ! ouuuuhhh !! tomel !!! .. didny i tell uguys ?? i like it when guys wearing baju melayu wit samping and everything .. they look so encem n smart .. dun care wat colour .. but if purple i give extra attention to em la .. hehehehe ..

today i have speaking practice .. since last sem .. i dun do speaking practice much serious as i tot its just a practice .. lect wont give mark at all .. but dis morning lect told me to be more serious while doing it bcos im grammartically correct but when i say it as if my mind is elsewhere .. heh .. malu saya kna tegor itu mcm ..

 black n yellow num 18 org kelantan la plak .. kecewa .. kbye!

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