Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, August 13, 2011

bubur lambuk


wats up people !! 13th ramadhan .. how's life ? how's ur ramadhan ? ok ? no ? ok ? no ? ok? no ? hehe .. so its saturday .. n people fasting .. tired .. bored .. for u .. but not for me ! ngeee .. ever heard of bubur lambuk ? u did ? awesome ! so guess wat ? ngeeeeee !!

today geomass which is a club for science geomatik student did dis program called errr .. idk .. but basicly the student cook bubur lambuk n break fast together eating babur lambuk n other food of kos .. hehe .. i can imagine ur face reading my blog now .. syu ? masak ? oh tidak ! .. haha .. deng ! well uguys r rite .. i dun participate in cooking .. tho i help to eat it just now .. hahaha .. well at least im helping ok ..

im in blue .. do uguys c how much food there is on the table ?? haha .. bubur lambuk was ok .. tho im still wondering y it is so popular among semenanjug-ian .. hehe .. so when people started to go to surau to pray .. my fren ..well one or 2 of em ask me to join them to jeng jeng jeng .. bungkus makanan .. left over la .. aigoo ..i was laughing so hard watching them tapau the food .. ey , i help to .. tho i dun tapau for myself la ..

2 large plastic bag !
wahahahahaha .. i used to watched older woman tapau food at kenduri .. but dis is hilarious !! i told them i can imagine them a few years later when we grow older .. its true wat they said .. we r the next generation .. hahahahahahahahaha !!

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