Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 11, 2011

letter to God


dear God,
since my birth, i has been thru a lot .. tho i know u have ur own reasons to test ur creation .. but somehow i always blame faith .. for everything dat happen to me .. for wat i had lost ..

dear God,
u always show me how much u love me .. how much u care bout me .. when i feel down .. u will find ways to cheer me up .. when i get lost on my way .. u send light from above to show me the right path .. even when i ask u for a company .. u send me him .. i ask u to be loved .. u show me how much my family love me ..i ask u can i give my trust to anybody .. u send me my zany sis .. i never show u any sense of gratitude for wat have u done for me .. but u never stop loving me ..

dear God,
i grew up by u spoiling me .. as i grew up i gain experience .. i learn how .. i know why .. i found out the reason .. i know dat i havent finish growing up yet n there's so much thing i havent see , hear .. so much thing i have to learn n figure out .. tho im not afraid to step out to the world because i know i have my family , my fren by my side .. n most important ur guidance ..

dear God,
i can never find a perfect word to start my sentence .. for dat let ur creation say it in the most humble way she can dat she is sorry for not loving u back when she was younger .. for not appreciate ur kindness towards her .. for blaming faith n for letting her ego get control over her .. thank you God for loving me , n thank you for not giving up on me ..

dear God,
i always need u by my side .. i always ask u for more .. n tonite i ask u to spoil those orphan kids too .. i feel sorry for them as i have everything n they dun .. i was about to cry when i break fast (berbuka) alone  n not wit my family .. but then i wipe my tears when i think bout them .. at least at the end of this month ill be wit my family celebrating raya .. but those orphan kids have to celebrate raya alone witout their parents .. they probably crying infront of their parent's grave 1st day of raya .. hmm .. just now me n my fren dun know wat to buy for break fast .. we get tired of rice .. but those orphan kids .. im not sure if they have yummy food on their table everyday .. n please write an awesome love story for each of those orphan kids .. as love help overcome frustration and sadness .. please dun be mad at them if they blame u for taking their parents n dun give up on them even if they already giving up on life ..

dear God,
open the door of my reader's heart .. stirred the compassion of my readers towards those orphan kids .. n show my readers a way to help those orphan kids ..

thank you God.

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