Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 26, 2011

my 1st time

bubu resting in ktm

im at home !!! wwweeee !! lets talk crap .. awww !

c .. dis my very 1st time n not my 1st time .. feelin me ? no ? yea .. read it hons

its not my 1st time leaving arau
but its my 1st time living arau for celebrating raya at miri

its not my 1st time using ktm
but its my 1st time riding ktm on 1st class

its not my 1st time sahur n sungkai alone
but it my 1st time sahur n sungkai alone in ktm

its not my 1st time arriving at KL sentral
but its my 1st time arrived at KL sentral at 5 something in the morning

its not my 1st time shopping at KL
but its my 1st time shopping at KL sentral

its not my 1st time riding KLIA transit
but its my 1st time using it to go to LCCT

its not my 1st time waiting my flight at LCCT
but its my 1st time waiting my flight almost 8 hours at LCCT

its not my 1st time i arrive at home
buts its my 1st time arrived at home from somewhere to celebrate raya

there r 1st time 4 everything .. life is unpredictable .. cherish it while it last ..

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