Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

new owner


1st of all .. test mcm teeettt .. kdhabes

eherm eherm eherm .. getting worst bha my coughing .. but thank god i have my voice back .. i miss talkin so badly la .. haha .. then kn .. today kn .. i keep bgayut bha .. oh no no no .. can not fall in love anymore .. final la !! focus2 !!

eyh2 .. wanna know something .. actually it happen during last day im at lawas .. but i dun have time to write about it .. even if i do .. i write about something else instead .. boleh ? so its about treng teng teng teng teng teng teng teng teng .. nervous x ? hehe

actually it an antique belts owns by my arwah nenek .. its a silver belt .. idk from wat year it is .. my grandpa give it to me when all of us go to his house n salam2 wit him n tell him we wanna go back to miri ody .. then he said wait up .. i wanna give ct her belt n he went inside d house .. i go like .. since when i have belt ?? n if i have belt i dun think i left it there .. my dad go like .. its ur arwah nenek .. just take it .. i go like oooo .. then my grandapa came out with dis weird but unique silver belt .. n give it to me .. uuuuuu .. me likey .. especially the part when he told me .. its a real silver .. hehe

dis is it

i like d idea of knowing part of arwah nenek is wit me now .. im gonna take care of it like arwah nenek use to n give it to my grandchild too .. hehe .. (angan2 mo kawen .. gatal2)

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