Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 8, 2011

so,my life today start with..em em..n end wit..em em..


ey, i miss u so much! 
im sorry 4 not replying ur msg
kinda erm wanna make u miss me too
jht kn?


em dis morning,i have quiz..math quiz..uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!op op op..i manage to ans it on my own liaoo..hahahaha!!(bangga diri)

em dis evening,,kesatria..test..errrrrrr..no comment

me:ey fatah,bla nk update blog?
fatah:update blog??last kau bca apa?
me:yg psl rahsia tu
fatah:cek la,dh ada yg bru
me:yea??ti nk bcala
fatah:aku ska menaip..smpy keyboard aku pun dh faded..aku ska menaip kalau ada msa lapang..
me:i pun sma!!tp bhsa sarawak la
fatah:bhsa sarawak lg cantik!

ermm..the truth is..i do miss sarawak language..not only in writing..to speak n use it in my everyday conversation..

so tomorrow im gonna have dis hafazan n tilawah thingy..i have problem wit dis since er..idk since i can remember laa..everyone around me r being such sweet fren..always helpin me to read it n pronounce it the correct way..they also help me by givin me tips in memorizing those 11 surah..

ouh ouh..wish me luck aww!!

extra:sorry for my past past past past past entry b4 dis..complaining bout my life in campus..kinda release my tension n headache here..did i bored u guys to death??ouch!sorry..

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