Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 7, 2011

wat week is it ody?


em..final is juat around the corner..so some awesome lect decided  they wanna catch up wit undone quiz n test wit (s)..yup yup..so one week b4 final..thusand test n quiz to study for..ive lost track of wat week it is..but b4 dis..i mean week b4 dis..it has been  a relaxing week wit no assignment n even no class..i wonder wat r my lect did dis few week..hmm..i guess now i understand the whole SUFO thing(refer my prev post please)

tho dis week is tiring n superrrrrr bz..it is not dat bad..i mean..wit study on my own,less sleep,cryin in the middle of nite while callin wit my dad,more assignment is given,to have my heart stop beating knowin final is in two weeks time n i dun even ready just yet..hmm..yup..is not dat bad..

hey,in 4 weeks top..im gonna update my entry about my trip at singapore..hahaha..cmon MAY!!

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