Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 16, 2011

16 june; gerhana bulan


eclipse occurs yesterday..ive text my fren dat nite to inform em about dis eclipse so we can watch it together..for those who didnt get my msg..sorry..hehe..

i was extra excited yesterday as it is my 1st time to watch eclipse live..and u all know wat i feel bout moon..hehe..my lect said the eclipse will occur at 1 something in the morn so everyone should gather around at 1 to watch it together..so while waiting for the clock to strike 1..i was watching movie,texting,bla bla bla..i dun sleep at all..u know how it is when adrenalin kicks in..

me n ma frens want out at erk..idk..when we arrived at basketball field..i saw many theodolite n telescope..people watchin KONGSI at the big screen..i sat down n look at the sky..oh no..the moon decided it wanna play hide n seeks tonite:-(

while we wait..my lect asked us to gather around as he wanna explain bout the lunar eclipse..it occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moon..the moon goes through phases from lighter to dark..the phenomenon of a total eclipse occurs when sun, earth and moon on the line and the moon completely dark..

confusing huh??haha..enjoy the pic from my fon

view from telescope thru computer to the big screen

the moon started to enter the earth shadow at  almost 2 am

2.22 am

i forgot the time

this is almost 3 am ody

this is the last image we saw b4 the moon completely overshadow by the thick cloud
its heart breaking not able to see it live happening at the sky..but to watched thru screen n gaining knowledge from this phenomena is ok i think..nyway i enjoy the night out wit my fren..i enjoy eating the food they bring too..ngee

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