Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 15, 2011

1 hari lagi ( ktwa excited )

ouh .. its tomorrow lha !

one day left people .. omg ! i cant wait to go back . ouh . i miss home so much ! today i ll go KL 1st loo .. oh thank god my uncle is there .. aiyoo i can smell shoppin mall ody haha !

i saw him again today .. but dis time we actually sit and talk wit each other .. haha .. he's a funny dude i might say .. i bought him cookies and cola .. after i gave it to him we sit and talk while waiting for my fren bgayut .. we dun talk much tho but even dis is d 1st time we actually talk to each other i dun feel uncomfortable at all .. maybe bcos we always see each other in the street .. n chat at fb .. haha .. y am i laughing? ok stop !

miri :-)

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