Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, July 14, 2011

2 ari gyk aie

two !



its been a while..hye everyone..how's life..erk dun answer dat..read mine 1st k..today started kinda okay..im fasting..punya laaparr..ok..pretend u dun read dat..as usual..thursday, palyin hide n seek wit d sun..haha..im not sure uguys undrstnd it or not..

envy face is on..my fren,syira,alya n intan..is otw to their home rite now..n im still counting down d days..ish!nyway ody bot ticket bus to kl..ill arrive at jln duta at 5 something in d morning..idk whre to go n wat to do..cos my flight to miri is at 8 something at nite..shud i just stay at KLIA for damn freaking hours??i guess u notice i kinda hate dat situation..i wanna go shoppin but dunno how..ish!ish!ish! ,,  see..triple ish tauk

nyway..dis day ended very funny..me n thirah went to pc fair..i walk..i stop..n i saw him..ok,maybe he saw me too..i keep on walkin..round n round n round n round n stop at d same spot..ok he saw me..haha..even thirah is laughing btw he try to get my attention..haha..funny dude..eherm..tuka topikla..

er..er..hey i got mpp sticker just now..yeay!

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