Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

11 over 20


today i received back my result for calculus test 1 .. ehe . i text my dad to let hm know . but i only heard his voice less then 1 minute just now

me : hello pa . npa ?
daddy : kn ckp tahniah utk anak bapa
me : hehehe
daddy : td xpat call cbb bapa lam krusus . eh jap . ada incoming call
me : oh ok

sigh . ltr im busy n cant ask him to call me again . then oso . my kdt is low . so im not able to text unless its an emergency . yes i do stop using my fon when my credit is less then rm3 bcos im saving it for emergency only . y ? bcos ive been thru a lot . stop askin question la .

so nyway . im still have dis happy mode on from yesterday . i mean who knew my 1st test turn out to be okay . i was over reacted la before the test . ngeee ..


wats wrong wit u ?
y u come back to my life n bring back those memory ?
text . fb . ym . blog . all of our memories
dat i try my best to forget about it since d day u hurt me
u want me to take care of ur feeling n to be in love wit u again
but all u did is hurting me by bringing back the memories of wat it used to be btween us
who said u could turn back time just cos u want to ?
who said u could go back to the moment i hurt the most just cos u want to ?
y do u forgive urself so easily ?

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