Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 25, 2011

huargghhh ! sleppy


i wanna start my entry wit dis sentence stupid girl wit stupid alarm from 3 something in the morning till noon . heh . cancel . she is not dat important for me to state about her today

yes . my day start at 3 something in the morning . tryin my best to sleep . but the alarm keep snoozing every 15 minute . gish . ok i dun wanna talk bad bout her ok . maybe she deaf or something . dun be mean to OKU .

ctu was okay . bel was okay . lunch break was okay . tho bcos im fasting . hungry oh ! next class , astronomy was ok , erm funny . then engineering . hehe . proud to say . among 19 candidate dat passed  d test is ur truly . muax ! hehe . called my dad n told him bout it . he's very proud of his daughter . bonus for me . super happy mode on ! lalalalala~

cryin watchin korean drama . sillyme !

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